So, I just realized last night that we leave for Guatemala 3 weeks from Saturday. Which means that I am very behind on my research (another topic).
I am looking forward to seeing my friends, even though I know that life will not be the same as this summer.
Last night I chose my seats. And this is what I have found works best for me. Not only am I a fat traveller I am also long legged, so I PREFER to sit in the 'exit row' seats, which is what I booked for this trip. But if you can't afford that (and I usually cannot) I always sit on the aisle, especially on LONG flights. This allows me to stretch my legs out more which helps my hips not cramp up.
Another tip I have found is to pack light, so that you don't have anything on the floor, under the seat in front of you. This, too, will allow you to stretch your legs as well.